Saturday, February 14, 2015

Just in Time for Valentine’s Day: 9 Reasons Wy You Should Consider Dating A Guy Who is Visually Impaired

*One visually impaired guy’s somewhat humorous, but realistic list of reasons for why a woman should give dating a man who is visually impaired a try.

1. We are good listeners: Women often complain that men only listen to what they want to hear, and are often not really listening at all. Consider this: A visually impaired person relies on hearing as a form of communication, as a means of orientation, and to gain knowledge about the environment around them. These attributes make up a good listener. We do it all the time, and if we don't listen, there's a good chance we will get hit by a car while crossing an intersection or miss an important concept being discussed during a lecture or meeting.

2. We are good talkers: Because we are visually impaired we do not have the luxury of using most nonverbal forms of communication. Therefor, we must make up roughly 80% of communication with speech alone. The benefit to being a good talker is it reduces confusion of nonverbal cues. So, if you struggle with nonverbal communication and its somewhat ambiguous meanings, try dating a visually impaired guy; we are really good at making up for our lack of nonverbal communication through speech.

3. We are touchy-feely: So you want a guy who is more touchy feely huh? Give a visually impaired guy a chance! We are used to touching all sorts of things; touch is one of the tools that help us make up for our lack of eyesight, as well as form the basis of literacy through the use of Braille. We are also very good at feeling things. Happy, sad, angry, frustrated, hopeful, stereotyped, discriminated, rejected and optimistic are some of the feelings that are sometimes magnified because of our visual impairment. Remember, we are not good at the whole nonverbal communication thing, so we are more likely to talk to a woman about our feelings and emotions, which appears to be what women like to talk about at times.

4. We won't judge you based only on physical appearance: Remember, we can't see very well or even at all, so if you are self-conscious about your looks, relax, we aren't even looking! If you are the woman who has a lot to offer and believes there's more to MR. Perfect than just looks alone, a visually impaired guy as your lover may be the answer. This is not to say guys who are visually impaired have lowered standards, or have no concept of physical attraction. Instead, some of us choose to define physical attraction as something more than just looks. We have skipped the physical looks thing and are already checking you out on much deeper levels: Do we have the same interests? Do we get along? Do I enjoy this person's company? Do they have similar morals and ethics? These are things visually impaired guys are thinking about wen getting to know a woman. Pretty cool huh?

5. We remember the important details about you: Most visually impaired people are pretty darn good at memorizing. Keeping track of traveling routs, remembering the placement of the bar at our favorite local brewery or recognizing family, friends and of course our lover by the sound of their voice give us a lot of practice. There's good potential that your visually impaired lover won't forget your birthday, your favorite type of flowers or your favorite dinner. Even though we are guys, we strive to be masters at memorizing, and we'll memorize you too!

6. Love dogs, and wish you could take your furry friend with you wherever you go? Your pet dog may not be allowed into shops, restaurants, grocery stores, or on all forms of transportation, but your visually impaired lover's dog may be and that's almost as good. Some people who are visually impaired choose to travel with a guide dog instead of a white cane. You as a lover have the best of both worlds: you get to enjoy the company of a well trained dog without having to take care of he or she, and the dog gets to accompany you and your visually impaired lover wherever you go. Win-win I'd say.

7. There are shortcuts in lines and discounts on some products and services: Nobody likes lines and everybody likes a discount every now and again. Imagine, you and your visually impaired lover are waiting in line to ride an epic roller coaster and you hear the people in front of you say "we've been waiting here for an hour already." You, the amazing girlfriend with your magical sighted powers look ahead and see that the line twists and turns out of sight. You and your visually impaired lover settle in for a long wait. Then out of nowhere an amusement park employee comes up and says something like " sir with the white cane, there's a people with disabilities lane for this ride just over here. It's much shorter and we can get you on the ride in no time. Is this lovely lady here with you?" Your visually impaired lover takes the park employee up on their offer and confirms that yes, the beautiful lady standing next to him is indeed his partner. Boom! Both of you just skipped ahead of a whole lot of people, and they are all okay with it. You can also be the first one's on and off the airplane, pay for nosebleed seats for your favorite band/sports team and be re-located to the "disability section," which is usually much, much closer than those 300 level nosebleed cheap seats, or get an up close and personal tour of artifacts in a museum. You didn't know a visually impaired person's white cane or guide dog was a universal discount pass to all kinds of products and services did you?

8. we will grocery shop with you: If you are a woman who enjoys spending a Saturday afternoon leisurely picking out your groceries for the week with your lover you are in luck! Most visually impaired people must get assistance with grocery shopping from the store's customer service staff, some of whom are not cute, not friendly and most certainly aren't our type. Simply put, we are used to shopping with others and are okay with it; it's how we get our food. Your visually impaired lover may even be able to recommend a new product to try.

9. If you are a woman who is sighted, there will be no arguing over who drives while traveling together: Many visually impaired people have driven primarily for the humor and the novelty of trying out this very visual task. Don't worry though, the DMV will not issue licenses to a visually impaired person. So guess what? You are free to do the driving all you want! So what if you don't like driving, are tired of driving around, or are a woman who is visually impaired? No problem, your visually impaired lover will be happy to escort you around the metro area using the public transportation system. You will be able to kick back and enjoy the relatively inefficient bus/train transportation along with a group of your favorite strangers.

If you are single, and looking for that perfect relationship, think outside the box, and consider dating a guy who is visually impaired, you just might find your true lover!